For legal assistance in the areas of family law in San Bernardino County, Riverside County, Los Angeles County, and Orange County, the attorneys at Family Law Advocacy Group are here to help you plan, prepare and achieve a successful outcome that meets your legal needs and goals. As a team, we stand ready to offer sound professional advice and representation in all manner of family law.
We know that the law is complicated and challenging, but that doesn't mean that lawyers should keep their clients in the dark because it's too tedious to explain the details of their matter. Lawyers often forget that they are hired to be counselors and not just advocates. Our goal is to guide our clients through the legal maze with clear and honest counseling that the client can understand. We will make every effort to explain each step of the legal process and how it impacts you so that you are educated about your matter and confident that we are performing our duties at the highest levels.
You know we are Attorneys so why is that special? Well, what people don't know is that most firms have paralegals perform the work that attorneys should be doing. We think that something as important as your legal matter should be handled by an attorney and not by someone unqualified or under-qualified to perform the work. We pride ourselves on being available should our clients have questions, comments or concerns outside of normal business hours and won't defer you to a non-attorney. In short, we strive to make the attorney-client relationship a positive one.
Loyalty means a lot and attorneys face ethical issues every day. Due to conflicts between the attorney and the client because of the lawyer's own financial, professional, or interests to other clients, attorneys may not have your best interest in mind. Undivided loyalty to the client by the lawyer is one of the cornerstones of lawyer ethics but many attorneys fail to live up to the standard. Our goal is to exceed the ethical standards set by the profession and provide you with the level of dedication and loyalty that will garner your full trust and confidence.
People assume that their lawyer will talk to them when they call, or at a minimum, contact them within a reasonable time. The fact is lack of responsiveness is among the biggest complaints by clients. We make communication a priority. If we miss your call, we'll call you back as soon as is reasonably possible, typically the same day. When you come to our offices, you will meet with an attorney and not a paralegal. Throughout your representation, we'll work as a team but any time you want to talk to an attorney, you can.
How do we implement our values?
We offer a free initial consultation during which we will thoroughly examine all of the issues relating to your legal matter and then provide all viable options.
We provide you with a realistic estimate of the cost and the expected length of your legal proceeding or transaction.
We explain complex legal issues in such a way as to put our clients at ease regarding their particular proceeding.
We send detailed and itemized account statements to keep our clients fully informed about the cost of their case.
We regularly contact our clients by phone or letter to inform them of the current status and/or new developments in their matter.
Clients are not only provided with the direct office line and email for the handling attorney on their matter.